
Am I A Biological Program?

“You must unlearn what you have been programmed to believe since birth. That software no longer serves you if you want to live in a world where all things are possible.” -Jacqueline E. Purcell

The question says it all. Now let me attempt to answer this loaded potato in the best way I can.

Simply put. Yes, yes you and I are biological programs. Our coding is embedded into us via the environments, the people, the experiences , television programs and even schools of thought we have been exposed to. That goes for voluntary and involuntary exposure alike. What I have discovered through my journey to fulfill my greatest potential, is that there is so much junk and misinformation in our coding. There is also a lot of unnecessary and borrowed code from other people. Unfortunately these people more often than not are just following the status quo. This of course is completely fine if that’s what you want out of life. If not keep reading..

So how can we overcome this? I’m glad you asked. Although the instructions are simple, your human coding skills when I comes to re-wiring yourself will definitely be tested. As a biological program you can’t simply lift old codes out and replace it with new more efficient, and useful ones. How I wish that were the case. Instead you must re-write your code through new repetitive actions, while simultaneously ending the other programs (or actions) already embedded deep in your operating system (your brain). It’s really not that deep though.

First you must become an action taking program. Think and act at the same time. This of course will take repetitive action to embed into your mind. Truly anything new will take practice but you must understand how your computer works. The more you do something the deeper the code gets embedded. So say something like breathing for example. You’ve done it so many times that you no longer have to think to do it. It enters your subconscious. That’s what I like to call the command prompt of your body if you will. Next you must make a list of ALL your current processes and programs. What are the worst ones? Hit the kill switch on them and be ready to replace them with better, more productive processes. For example, let’s say you have a tendency to over sleep. That’s fine, just hit the kill switch on that by setting a new alarm, getting to bed early to set yourself up for success. Depending on how long this program has been running for, it’ll take some time to write a new path to the updated program in your operating system. It’s very important to understand that the old program WILL NOT want to be deleted. Your operating system will want to go back to default until the program is fully overwritten.You must be diligent in the beginning stages of this process. Visual it like this. Your old programming is like a dirt path in a field. Obviously it is super easy to take that path because it’s already paved. It’s the default. Instead of taking that paved path you must create a new one through the tall unkempt field. This will be arduous at first. Annoying, you will be tempted to take the easy path again. But stick with it.. before you know it and new path will have formed while the old path begins to grow new grass. Then suddenly you won’t see the old path anymore. It’ll be a distant memory and you will have successfully “switched lanes.”

Things are always easier said than done but with this formula you should have a basic understanding of how to start rewiring yourself for better results in life.