
Teamwork makes the dream work…

Talent wins games. Teamwork and intelligence wins CHAMPIONSHIPS

-Michael Jordan

When are humans able to achieve their most? In the mornings? No in the evenings! No wait maybe after a cup of coffee? Or maybe by themselves locked up and forced to get the job done. I don’t believe either is the answer. I believe humans are able to do the most incredible things when they put aside their differences and begin to work as a team. I have a little story for you.

About a decade ago I was in my second year in college. It was a great time as I had all the bravado you’d expect a 20 year old athletic savant and scholar to have (well at least that’s what I thought I was). Anyways in those days I was number one. I had no one to think of but me and I acted like it. Group projects were scoffed at and interestingly enough, the only teamwork I displayed was on the basketball court. I was always doing all the heavy lifting thinking that I could get things done by myself. Was this true, of course! Was it efficient, NO! I was spending way too much of my most valuable currency (which was time) because I was a lone ranger. It wasn’t until a teacher pulled me aside one day and said “the greatest people are those who can galvanize a group of people together for one cause.” The light bulb exploded. I couldn’t believe what I was missing out on. I took her advice and immediately saw results I had only previously dreamed about! Productivity took quantum leaps and bounds! The most important thing though is it made me a better more well rounded person. I had a deeper understanding of how to work as a team with people. Life became “easier” in the sense that previous tasks that seemed daunting were easily conquered. Team work comes with sacrifice. But if it’s for a worthwhile goal the sacrifice is really not a sacrifice at all. It’s more like doing the right thing to get the desired result. Interesting note, the biggest companies today work WITH their competition! Check that fact.

Anyways the lesson is don’t try to be a solo artist or buy into the idea that people can be “self-made.” That’s fools gold. Having the right team will bring you that much closer to your ultimate dream!