
The Follow-Thru

“It’s the follow through that makes the great difference between ultimate success and failure, because it is just so easy to stop.” -Charles Kettering

Here I am again. At the free throw line with a chance to put our team up for good in the finals. It’s a moment that will call upon everything I’ve learned to this point. Focus, be calm, and for Pete’s sake follow through. Up goes the first shot. I feel the ball gracefully leave the tips of my fingers. It’s rotation, perfect. Am I holding my pose? Oh you bet I am, as I snap my wrist down and freeze like I’m taking a picture. Swish, nothing but net. Tied now and here comes the pressure shot. I re-balance myself at the line, dribble the ball three times and go to catapult the ball from my hands a second time. Posing again the same way I did for the last shot and, BANG! We are now champions! Why was it so important to follow through though? Couldn’t I get away without it? Well of course I could but for how long?

I believe, people who fail to follow through simply have limits on their thinking or fears they don’t want to face. Yet failure is really the only way to grow. You may not think of this but as a child if you didn’t follow through you wouldn’t even be walking today. Call up your parents and ask them how many times you fell as a child. You and I both know this didn’t stop you. Not even once did it stop you from getting back up and following through with your goal of learning how to walk. Even further you weren’t scared to try again.

Following through on things only becomes difficult when you don’t see the benefits or don’t care for the rewards of this mundane action. As with anything in life this skill is built through repetition. Again we are aiming for a new galaxy here people, and one MUST follow through to get there. From the bat or golf swing, to the waking up and going to work. One of the most important steps is to follow through. Imagine how long you could keep a job if you woke up and just didn’t go in that day? Not very long at all, i’ll tell you that much. Now because having a job gets you the “necessities” in life life like internet, gas in your car, food on your table then there is no problem following through on the demand of going to work. But what if you turned having extra money for a rainy day into an emotional need? Being able to spend your time the way you wanted into an emotional need? You would then be surprised at how easy it is to really follow through on things. Trust me it’s hard to live a life of servitude with no real rewards for your time.

Life is not just about working and building other people’s dreams. You need to work for yourself. For your family and loved ones. Obtain the abundance that the world has to offer you. The only way to do that is to step outside of the regular necessities of life and tell yourself you deserve more and will get more. This is exactly what I’ve done and it has worked wonders! Not in my own limited imagination, could I have thought up what life is really supposed to be like once the typical mold is broken. So my call to action for you is to make a new emotional attachment to a goal and follow through on it no matter what. This doesn’t have to be grand either. Say something small like drinking two litres of water everyday to flush out toxic buildup in your system. This will set the stage for habit creation and new goals will arise from there. Follow through on that and be welcomed to the world that is really waiting for you!