
Being Selective With Your Words

“Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out.” -Anonymous

You can insult someone directly and lose a contact, or indirectly and gain a friend. The power of words is amazing. Monitor the words you use on yourself too. This can be a main contributing factor as to why you aren’t were you need to be. My least favorite word should come as no surprise. It is this darned contraction known as “can’t.” Also remember, whatever is said to you over and over again is how you eventually feel. Speaking is also like casting a spell if you’d allow me to reach that far. But irregardless of that I have a story to tell.

Earlier this year I wasn’t feeling myself. I was getting up late, had little direction and just overall maybe a little depressed. I hadn’t been talking to myself in the right way at all. I was drinking too much, smoking (marijuana) wayyy to much as well. I hung around the same words all day. “Let’s smoke, let’s drink, sleep in, you can wake up a bit later” all the things I would hear on a regular basis. Now I’m not sure what lead me to making the switch but I know what changed. I was gifted a five minute journal and also decided to not hang around those words anymore. It took changing my environment, I know that much. Then I started to talk to myself in a different way. I’d wake up and tell myself nothing was impossible. I’d tell myself I love you, and point out other good qualities I had. It snowballed into a shift in dwelling on the negative to intentionally seeking out the positive. All this new found power & energy came about simply with a shift in the rhetoric I was exposed to!

The lesson for me was recognize what you say to yourself, AND what you say to others. Are you encouraging or negative. If negative try to become more positive. Humans are powerful in that they choose the situation they create for the future. So whatever you say to yourself now will become your reality soon enough! The action step: start by taking stock of your positive behaviors and say it out loud to yourself! Whether it be in the mirror, in the shower, when you wake up, in a journal or before you go to bed. Just say it! You will be surprised at the amazing benefits that follow with being selective with your words.